Portfolio - Remote Sensing
Centennial Campus Change Detection Project: ArcMap 9.3, Feature Analyst 4.2, ERDAS IMAGINE 9.3
The project was a change detection study on Centennial Campus of NC State University and surrounding areas. Project study the change on impervious surface in the period from 1999 to 2007 on study area. The following two maps created from the result of classification for two orthophoto images of the study area using Feature Analyst 4.2 with ArcGIS.
Greenway Project: ERDAS IMAGINE 9.2, ArcMap 9.2
The project is a support study for the new greenway project near the Neuse River in North Raleigh, NC. Project worked on a high resolution Quickbird data for sub area of North Raleigh. A full details map below created for the study area by classifying images provided using ERDAS IMAGINE 9.2 software.
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